What Cat-Safe Essential Oil to get your Mother this Mother’s Day 2019

Cat owners may worry themselves with the thought of doing harm to their pets using essential oils. Cats are naturally deficient in the glucuronl transferase enzyme which helps organisms break down phenol. Phenol is an organic compound present in drugs like aspirin, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen, and it’s also present in many essential oils which reduces the safety level of them significantly. Humans have a higher tolerance for phenol in essential oils while cats do not. For this reason, only water-based oils are recommended for use around cats.


What are the uses for rosemary essential oil?
What are the uses for rosemary essential oil?

Rosemary is a well-known cat-safe essential oilused as a flea repellant for cats and dogs. All you need to do is to boil a pot of water with a twig of rosemary. Then, dilute with the brew. Lastly, allow your cat to sit in the mixture for up to five minutes.

Lemongrass oil

Lemongrass oil is typically hydrosol, a non-alcoholic aroma made from steam distilling or hydro-distilling plant matter. Lemongrass is a cat-friendly essential oil at a low concentration. Like the other oils on this list however, it should not be ingested by cats nor applied to their skin.

Cedarwood oil

Cedarwood is a safe essential oil for cats which is usually made without phenol. For added certainty, check the label or ingredients list.

Which brand is the best essential oil?
Which brand is the best essential oil?

List of essential oils not friendly to cats

There are several essential oils that present a threat to cats, including clove, cinnamon, thyme, oregano, wintergreen, sweet birch, lavender, citrus, peppermint, pennyroyal, eucalyptus, and tea tree oil. Under no circumstances should any of these be used around cats. Always consult a veterinarian before introducing any essential oil around a cat, to confirm that it is safe to do so.

How to use essential oils safely for pets

Any highly concentrated essential oil in large amounts poses a danger to cats so be sure not to use them in excess. Although the cat-safe essential oils mentioned here are safe, they should still be diluted or diffused and used in moderation.

Despite the warnings, essential oils in general are still considered safer than artificial fragrances and/or air fresheners. What we may perceive to be a pleasant smell can be completely overwhelming to a feline. Our best recommendation when using essential oils around catsis to keep one room of the house scent-free. That way, if it’s too much for them, your cat can retreat to some place safe.

For cat-friendly essential oils, visit Lierre.ca. We have a wide array of essential oils, many of which are cat-safe. When using essential oils, be sure to be on the look-out for any strange behaviour such as drooling, tremors, difficulty walking, or lethargy. If you notice this, your pet may have been exposed to essential oils and you may need to contact a vet asap. For more information on pet-friendly essential oils, shop Lierre.ca today.

Essential oilsOrganic essential oils

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